Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week 9: Science Challenge

What are some ways you can tell that you have successfully integrated technology into your lesson?

I believe that if the kids seem to actively engaged in learning and enjoying the lesson that this is a sign that the technology one chooses to use is being used successfully.

What do you feel technology should accomplish in order to be a legitimate addition to your lesson?

I think that if the technology isn't helping the students to actively engage in learning then it isn't a legitimate addition.

What indicators can tell you whether or not you have chosen an appropriate technology for your lesson?

As with the first two questions, if the students aren't actively engaged in learning then it wasn't the appropriate technology.

Science Challenge Movie:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Science Project:

Here's the link to my group's technology planning document for the Science Challenge:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Week 8:

What are some of the problems with learning TPACK skills?

Some people aren't familiar with what types of technology are available or applicable for a content area. Others aren't very good with using technology in general. Some think of technology as a great bonus, but it's easier to come up with activities that don't include certain types of technology. Sometimes technology for a content area just isn't available. All of these can inhibit developing TPACK skills.

What is the main idea of the article?

TPACK is a very useful method of helping teachers learn to integrate technology into the lesson. Instead of basing the lesson off of the technology, teachers learn to base the technology off of the lesson.

What are some of the ideas in the article that led you to your main idea?

It is argued that it is necessary to teach technology in context of the connections between technology, content, and pedagogy (the means of teaching the content.) "Possibilities for technology use should be considered according to the types of learning activities that each digital tool or resource best supports. Possibilities for learning activities to use should be considered according to the curriculum-based learning goals most appropriate for students' learning in a particular learning context and at a particular time."

What are some reasons that this article might be important for you as a teacher?

It explains why learning technology and that method of learning technology is important. It also helps teacher be more comfortable with using technology by basing the technology use around the content instead of the other way around.

Virtual Field Trip-Ecosystems

Here's my virtual field trip:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

PLE Week 7

What is the role of technology in creating dynamic experiences for your students?

Technology provides a way for the students to have a unique and fun learning experience that will help them to remember what they've learned and it relates to the modern way of life in which children use technology all the time.

What are some ways that technology might actually detract from student learning?

There are always pros and cons to any method you want to use in teaching. The common technologies used in classrooms such as movies aren't very interactive and provides the opportunity for children to "zone out."

What are three examples of effective technology use that you have used or experienced?

I've really enjoyed using computer games as a method for learning. I also really enjoyed doing crafts as part of my learning experience. (Using things like scissors and hole punchers is considered technology.) I also really enjoyed using the Smartboard in schools to help teach lessons.

PLE Week 6 #3

Write a paragraph reflecting on what you think the upsides and downsides are for implementing a virtual tour in the classroom.

Google earth has fun layers to use such as the National Geographics layer and Gigapan Photos layer that make learning about different places very fun and informative, however, it's not very interactive, and it doesn't appeal to all the senses. Also, Google Earth isn't always available for individual use. I do like how it provides clear organization for what you are trying to teach. I think that visual transition from place to place really helps the kids stay focused.

PLE Week 6 #2

Select three virtual field trips from the examples website to download and review. Select virtual field trips to watch that address a different subject matter than your tour. Make a brief comment on each of the 3 field trips indicating what you like about their ideas.

I watched a virtual field trip on Volcanoes found at
and I thought that it was a great way to teach detailed information through the use of having students find answers to specific questions about the topic.

I also watched a virtual tour on WWII Holocaust at the same sight. One of their activities was to write a journal entry about how you felt about the event. I thought this was a great way to encourage writing.

The last virtual tour I watched was Ancient Ruins. I thought this tour did a great job of helping the kids compare past and future ways of life and helping them to understand why the location was important to past civilizations.

PLE Week 6

What other sensory experiences might complement the use of a virtual tour in your classroom (cite at least 5 specific examples):

I think it would be fun to include experiences from all the senses. For example, while learning about the desert, the kids could have an activity that involves sand. While learning about the tropic ecosystem, a humidifier could be used to help the kids understand how it feels to be in a tropic. While learning about the tundra, the kids could have an activity involving ice. While learning about the mountains, a soundtrack could be playing with animal sounds you may hear in the mountains. An example of a common food found in an ecosystem could be brought for the kids to try. There are lots of fun things to do.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sharing my Digital Story Telling Challenge Experience

I told my fiance about the digital story telling project, and he even watched me work on it a little bit. It was cool to talk to him about why I was doing the project, how it teaches a concept, and why it would be a useful tool in the classroom. Between talking with him and looking at others' projects I've learned a lot of ways I can improve using the digital storytelling method in the future. I need to be more explicit in my teaching, more clear. Plus, there are so many creative ways to teach a concept! I'll have to make use of creative ideas such as the ones my classmates have used in the future.

PLE Week 4-Digital Story telling Challenge

I had the opportunity to see Amber Smith, Anne Yamashita, Andrea Smith, Cathrine Norris, and Brittany Beecher's storyboards. It was really cool to see all the different ideas and methods of teaching a concept. Digital story telling is a great way to teach, but there are some disadvantages too. It takes time to put together and customize a presentation to your class as well as the fact that some concepts are easier to teach with digital story telling than others. However, I think the time issue is the greatest challenge, because one can always be creative or get help and ideas from others, but one doesn't always have the time to do what one may want to.

Digital Storytelling movie